Spring is right around the corner and it’s the perfect time to begin organizing the house for the new season.
Here are the top five tips to simplify the de-cluttering task, making it easy to tackle and manage the clutter.
Tip 1 – Start with a Plan: Create a De-clutter Checklist
You know the saying: No one plans to fail. They just fail to plan. Write down the steps at hand with a To Do list. Creating a written plan that includes actionable steps will demonstrate your progress as you complete each task and check it off.
Tip 2 – Trash or Donate or Keep
Set up three zones in an area, to assign items you want to keep, donate or throw away. Ask yourself some simple questions: Why do you want to keep it? Has it been used over the past 12 months?
Tip 3 – Purge Every Season
Organizing your life is not a “one and done” activity. It should become a habit in order to keep the junk heaps from coming back, it’s much easier to control when done frequently. Working on it seasonally is one way to keep it manageable.
Tip 4 – Everything Has A Place (If not go back to Tip 2)
After the purge, everything you keep should have a designated place. Display your treasured objects on shelves, store in cabinets, decorative baskets, boxes, or storage containers to provide a new “storage home” for these items.
Tip 5 – Uncluttered Commitment
Make a commitment to stay on top of the mess and resist old habits. You’re in charge, promise you’ll keep working on this, even when it’s not always easy.
In the long run, this continual task will become easier each season and year as you continue a clear commitment to be un-cluttered.