When you struggle with getting rid of clutter along with organizing what is left, you should begin to use the KonMari(tm) method. Developed by Marie Kondo, this organizing philosophy is changing the way that people tidy their homes. Here are the best ways to begin using the Marie Kondo organization’s methods to deliver a house that you love.

Way 1: Commitment

Make sure that you are ready to eliminate the clutter in your home by choosing a time when you aren’t busy. With the KonMari(tm) method, you will need blocks of time to work on each step.

Way 2: Imagine

Imagine an ideal home by, thinking carefully about what you want. Find magazine photographs or draw sketches of the perfect rooms in a home to give you inspiration. Save these pictures where you can examine the points while you set about working the Marie Kondo organization’s steps.

Way 3: Discard First

Discarding unloved possessions first is required by this organizational method. This includes an entire home’s items before you begin organizing what is left.

Way 4: Category Discarding

The KonMari(tm) method requires cleaning by categories rather than by rooms or closets, making it a unique way to get rid of your home’s clutter.

Way 5: Use the Correct Order

Another way to use the Marie Kondo organization method is by sorting through your possessions in a particular order.

Way 6: Does an Item Make You Happy?

To decide if you should keep something, you must touch or hold it to determine if it sparks joy in your heart. If a possession doesn’t make you feel happy, then you should discard it by giving it away or throwing it away while also thanking the item.

Contact an Expert

To learn more, contact an individual who is trained in the Marie Kondo method, head over to the KonMari.com website to find a certified KonMari(tm) consultant in your area.