Living in harmony with the natural world is a practice called Feng Shui, which means 'wind' and 'water'. Feng Shui is a traditional art of living that is deeply rooted in spirituality.

The following tips can help you improve your office's Feng Shui.

Placement Of the Desk

Position your desk in such a way that has a commanding view. This placement is characterized by having a direct view of the door, a pleasant view out the window, and a wall behind you for stability. The office desk position according to Feng Shui allows for maximum control.

Remove Clutter

Organizing and arranging your office efficiently is important. Clutter, according to Feng Shui, stimulates negative Chi (energy) and should be kept to a minimum. Get rid of any unnecessary materials that are laying around in your office. Removing physical clutter can help you release your mental and emotional burden. It will feel more cheerful and optimistic in your workspace.

Arrangement Of the Plants

Photo by George Milton on Pexels

Plants are a great way to stay connected to the natural world in your office. The use of green shades in your office's color scheme can foster creativity and new ideas. To improve positive energy flow in spaces that are often neglected and devoid of energy, Feng Shui recommends keeping plants in corners.

Selecting The Appropriate Lighting

The best light is natural daylight, so move your desk close to a window but never have your desk directly in front of a window or fluorescent lights which cast a glare, causing eyestrain and exhaustion. Your mood and energy can be significantly impacted by replacing fluorescent lights with warm lights that do not cast a glare.

Use Of Feng Shui Colors

Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash

The use of Feng Shui colors can help you achieve balance in your office. Some colors have unique properties that can help people feel grounded and secure. The wealth and prosperity area of your office can be enhanced by using blues, purples, or reds.

Although living or working spaces may differ, the principles of Feng Shui still hold true. To enhance your home or office, try out the above time-tested Feng Shui practices to increase balance and harmony.